
- class geoana.em.fdem.ElectricDipoleWholeSpace(frequency, quasistatic=False, **kwargs)#
Class for simulating the fields and fluxes for a harmonic electric dipole in a wholespace.
Harmonic electric dipole in a whole space. The source is (c.f. Ward and Hohmann, 1988 page 173). The source current density for a dipole located at \(\mathbf{r}_s\) with orientation \(\mathbf{\hat{u}}\)
\[\mathbf{J}(\mathbf{r}) = I ds \delta(\mathbf{r} - \mathbf{r}_s)\mathbf{\hat{u}}\]Attributes
Current in the electric current dipole (A)
Dielectric permittivity in F/m
Frequency (Hz) used for all computations
Length of the electric current dipole (m)
Location of the dipole
Magnetic permeability in H/m
Angular frequency
Orientation of the dipole as a normalized vector
Electrical resistivity in Ohm m
Electrical conductivity in S/m
Conductivity including electric displacement term.
Returns the skin depth for an electromagnetic wave in a homogeneous isotropic medium.
Wavenumber for an electromagnetic planewave in a homogenous isotropic medium.
(xyz)Cross products between a gridded set of vectors and the orientation of the source.
(xyz)Current density for the harmonic current dipole at a set of gridded locations.
(xyz)Scalar distance from dipole to a set of gridded xyz locations
(vecs)Dot product between the orientation of the source and a gridded set of vectors.
(xyz)Electric field for the harmonic current dipole at a set of gridded locations.
(xyz)Magnetic field produced by the harmonic current dipole at a set of gridded locations.
Magnetic flux density produced by the harmonic electric current dipole at a set of gridded locations.
(xyz)Vector distance to a set of gridded xyz locations.
(xyz)Vector potential for the harmonic current dipole at a set of gridded locations.
Galleries and Tutorials using geoana.em.fdem.ElectricDipoleWholeSpace

Electric Dipole in a Whole Space: Frequency Domain