
- class geoana.em.fdem.HarmonicPlaneWave(amplitude=1.0, orientation='X', **kwargs)#
Class for simulating the fields and densities for a harmonic planewave in a wholespace. The direction of propogation is assumed to be vertically downwards.
- Parameters:
- amplitudefloat
amplitude of primary electric field. Default is 1A.
- orientation(3) array_like or {‘X’,’Y’}
Orientation of the planewave. Can be defined using as an
of length 3, with z = 0 or by using one of {‘X’,’Y’} to define a planewave along the x or y direction. Default is ‘X’.
Amplitude of the primary field.
Dielectric permittivity in F/m
Frequency (Hz) used for all computations
Magnetic permeability in H/m
Angular frequency
Orientation of the planewave as a normalized vector
Electrical resistivity in Ohm m
Electrical conductivity in S/m
Conductivity including electric displacement term.
Returns the skin depth for an electromagnetic wave in a homogeneous isotropic medium.
Wavenumber for an electromagnetic planewave in a homogenous isotropic medium.
(xyz)Current density for the harmonic planewave at a set of gridded locations.
(xyz)Electric field for the harmonic planewave at a set of gridded locations.
(xyz)Magnetic field for the harmonic planewave at a set of gridded locations.
Magnetic flux density for the harmonic planewave at a set of gridded locations.